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4 - 6 歲

7 - 12 歲

讓 BLAST 成為您孩子最好的童年記憶!

我們的常規舞蹈課程 BLAST(Bounce、Leap、Ad-lib、Spin、Tap)包括多元化的課程,涵蓋爵士、現代、嘻哈、都市、時髦和音樂,適合 4 歲或以上的兒童以及青少年和成人.  不需要事先進行舞蹈訓練,歡迎每一位人士! 

除了姿勢、步法、節奏感和身體動作等基本知識外,我們在BLAST下的舞蹈訓練旨在喚起學生的身體意識,增強他們對身體表達的信心。  最重要的是,我們在這裡創造一種沒有壓力、充滿樂趣的舞蹈學習體驗,所以我們的學生可以在每堂課上和我們一起完全享受舞蹈!

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Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right of decision in case of any dispute - Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right of amend and alter the school/ course/ class/ performance/ workshop guidelines and policies at any time in its sole discretion - Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right to amend and alter the schedule and location of the courses/ classes and shall inform parents/ students in reasonable due course - Any images, videos, sound recordings take during classes, performances, workshops or related by Red Academy Ltd. will belong to the property of Red Academy Ltd. and Red Academy Ltd. reserves the right to use them on displays, exhibitions, promotions, websites, editorials and promotional materials at any time in the future without the need to seek further permission from parents/ students unless otherwise advised in written notification by parents/ students during his/ her first time enrollment.

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