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Founder & Director

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Mr. Horace Mui is one of the few experts in pop music, conductor, educator, and event director in Hong Kong.  Educated at Indiana University, Mui has participated in numerous world class productions, such as the national-tour performance with Grammy-Awards nominee The Singing Hoosiers, recording of the soundtrack Magical Musicals featuring music from Disney's movies with the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra for global distribution etc.

In 2009, he established The Show Choir Hong Kong which is inspired by American Show Choirs.  Over the years, Mui himself and his students have been invited to hundreds of performances locally and overseas. 


Mui hopes to inspire young people in Hong Kong to pursue their dreams through music education, unearth new talents and help them develop their careers as creative artists.

It was 2009 when I introduced the very first Show Choir in Hong Kong; in the blink of an eye a good ten years went by–our dream to nurture and inspire Hong Kong young talents through music education took wing, yet even so the sparks of this dream and carry on and grow stronger. 


Just as our vision of music goes beyond the confines of classical vs pop music, we embrace a broader perspective as to the art of performance.  With our years of excellence and experience in music performance we are taking a groundbreaking step further–we are going to nurture the younger generation through all-encompassing arts education, from vocal music to dance and drama, by providing a unique platform with training and performing opportunities for showcase of talents, with an enriched and refined curriculum.  We believe that only with all-round development and holistic arts education can we fully unleash the potential of young talents.  We are on the lookout for more brilliant and vibrant showcases for young people who have a passion for the stage and dream to pursue a creative career.  


As we leap into the new era when multi-talents speak volumes, we look forward to empowering the young generation and transforming their youthful power into the art of performance. I am excited to embark on this amazing journey with our young arts power!  Are you ready to be the change with us? 




Director & Chief Executive Officer of Anchors Kindergarten & International Nursery Group founded in 2000, Ms. Carmen Choi has been an avid educator and supporter of providing a quality learning environment for preschool children.  Devoted to developing children’s potential, Ms. Choi believes that arts education plays a vital role in their healthy upbringing and fostering a positive outlook on life.  


Since 2015 Ms. Choi has been collaborating with Red Academy on the Show Choir programme for Anchors children as an extracurricular course.  Throughout the years we have built up a very successful partnership, sharing the same vision and values in enlightening children on arts learning and performances.  


In 2020, Ms. Choi joined Red Academy as Chancellor, overseeing the school with her immense wisdom and guidance.

I am proud to announce the establishment of Red Academy and amazed that big evolutionary changes are on the horizon.  I am excited to be part of the Red Academy!


Since the first Show Choir in Hong Kong in 2009, Horace has never ceased to amaze the local community with his exceptional insights into music education and performance.  After a decade of hard work and success he is leveling up with new exciting changes, transforming a music school to an all-embracing arts school.  I am thrilled to see his exquisite visions are now coming to fruition.  


Arts education is vital especially to children and young people.  It is the window into creativity, personal expression and artistic temperament.  When it comes to performances, it transforms into a vehicle for sentiments and ideas, a cradle for empowered and charismatic individuals who shine from within.  


I trust that Horace will lead Red Academy in grooming performing arts talents to achieve brilliant success for the years to come, inspiring and nurturing more creative artists in town with his passion and professional guidance.  I look forward to seeing the new arts landscape that unfolds under his artistic direction with the mission of the Academy.

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Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right of decision in case of any dispute - Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right of amend and alter the school/ course/ class/ performance/ workshop guidelines and policies at any time in its sole discretion - Red Academy Ltd. reserves the absolute right to amend and alter the schedule and location of the courses/ classes and shall inform parents/ students in reasonable due course - Any images, videos, sound recordings take during classes, performances, workshops or related by Red Academy Ltd. will belong to the property of Red Academy Ltd. and Red Academy Ltd. reserves the right to use them on displays, exhibitions, promotions, websites, editorials and promotional materials at any time in the future without the need to seek further permission from parents/ students unless otherwise advised in written notification by parents/ students during his/ her first time enrollment.

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